- Assessing
- Audit
- Augusta Civic Center
- Augusta State Airport
- Child Care
- City Clerk
City Manager
- Code Enforcement
- Communications and Marketing
- Economic Development
- Facilities
- Fire Department
- Health and Welfare
- Human Resources
- Information Technology (IT)
- Lithgow Library
- Old Fort Western
- Parks and Recreation
- Recreation
- Planning
- Police Department
- Public Works
- School Department
- Treasury and Tax Collection
Welcome to the
City Manager's Office
The City Council appointed City of Augusta City Manager Jared J. Mills in April of 2024 and serves at their discretion. The City has a Council-Manager form of government, which combines the strong political leadership of elected officials in the form of a Council with the strong managerial experience of an appointed local government manager.
The City Manager serves as the city's chief executive officer and
purchasing agent. For purposes of oversight and administration of and access to information at the Police and Fire Bureaus, the City Manager also serves as the Public Safety Director without additional compensation.
The powers and duties of the City manager are as follows:
- Implements and executes all policies established by the City Council.
- Keeps the Council advised on the general administration of city operations.
- Appoints all department heads with the advice and consent of the City Council.
- Exercises control over all departments and divisions created herein or that may hereafter be created.
- Makes employee appointments and removals as provided in the charter.
- Prepares and submits the annual budget and capital improvement program to the City Council.
- Attends meetings of the City Council and recommends for adoption such measures as he may deem expedient.
- Keeps the Council fully advised as to the business, financial condition, and future needs of the City.
- Performs other duties as may be prescribed by charter, required by the Council, or as may otherwise be required by law.
Assistant City Manager William 'Bill' Post was appointed in July of 2024.
Additionally, the City Manager's Office includes Director of Communications and Marketing Haley Gauvin and Executive Assistant Loretta Lathe.
Augusta City Hall
City Manager's Office
16 Cony Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone:(207) 626-2300
Fax:(207) 620-8174
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM
Augusta City Hall
City Manager's Office
16 Cony Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone:(207) 626-2300
Fax:(207) 620-8174
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM

Augusta City Hall
City Manager's Office
16 Cony Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone:(207) 626-2300
Fax:(207) 620-8174
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM