Welcome to the Bureau of Treasury and Tax Collection
The Bureau of Treasury and Tax Collection is responsible for collecting all revenues owed to the City of Augusta.
This includes property taxes, excise taxes, and registration fees for automobiles, boats, all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles. We now offer one-stop registration for motor vehicles, including the issuance of license plates, directly at our office. Real property taxes are due biannually, in September and March.
For your convenience, online transactions are available and are processed through a third-party payment system, Maine Payport, which includes a 2.5% service charge on all transactions. When selecting online services, you will be redirected to an external website. We hope you find this online payment option convenient.
The Bureau of Treasury and Tax Collection operates under the Department of Finance and Administration and is overseen by Director Ingrid Nivison. The Department of Finance is organized into smaller, specialized bureaus to enhance our effectiveness. This structure allows us to focus on different areas with the required expertise.
We recommend reviewing the requirements before completing and submitting forms. This will save you time and effort upon your visit to City Hall.
& Licenses
Tax Bills
Vehicle Registration
- Current insurance card
- Current mileage
- RENEW a current registration online
- Current insurance card
- Current mileage
- CTA (Blue Title Application if purchased from Dealership or Old Title if purchased privately)
- Window Sticker
- Previous Vehicles Registration (If transferring plates)
- Bill of sale
- Bill of Sale and Title (if over 3,000 pounds)
- Previous registration (or photo of previous registration)
- RENEW a current registration online
- Bill of Sale
- Previous registration
- RENEW a current registration online
- Bill of Sale
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
- Licensee Personal information (name, date of birth, contact information)
- Hunter Safety or Previous Hunting license number for individuals purchasing a hunting license
- Printer to print out a copy of your license/permit
- Purchase online here.
Laws of the Maine Outdoors: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
PAY HERE. taxes are due twice a year, in September 19, 2024 and March 20, 2025.
FY2025 Real estate Property Tax Bills
FY2025 Personal Property Tax bills
Real Estate Property and Personal Property Tax Payments can be made online at maine.gov. If you'd like to utilize this option for your convenience, please call the Treasury Office at (207)626-2310 for the most current balance.
There are some cases where individuals are not eligible to use the online tax payment service. Please review and verify that your property tax account does not have any of the following exceptions on it before using this service. Failure to do so may result in payment being rejected in certain cases.
- Accounts that are in dispute or protest are ineligible for online payments. Please contact the Treasury office for more information.
- Accounts that have gone through tax foreclosure are not eligible to use this service. Please contact the Treasury office at 207-626-2310 for more information.
The City of Augusta offers a convenient 10-month payment plan for the FY25 tax year known as the Tax Club Program. Enroll or Renew your club membership before August 31, 2024.
Important Program Information
Participants will receive a sheet of tax coupons accompanied by an FAQ sheet. Mail the tax coupon(s) with your monthly payment to ensure the payment is applied to the correct account. Include an address and phone number with each payment. Verify your last payment amount by calling (207) 626-2310 before mailing your final payment due by May 15th to avoid interest and a potential tax lien.
Failure to make regular monthly payments (2 months or more) will result in being removed from the program and interest will be charged. You may also be denied enrollment to future tax clubs.
Note: You will still receive your original tax bill in August, which includes tear-off slips for two installment due dates. Please disregard.
Online Payments
Starting August 2024, you can pay online at augustamaine.gov
(a convenience fee applies). Take advantage of this program to easily manage your property tax payments! For more information, call (207) 626-2310.

Contact Information
Augusta City Hall
16 Cony Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 626-2316
Fax: (207) 620-8127
General Inquiries: treasury@augustamaine.gov
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM
Tax Collector: Kelly Gooldrup
Deputy Tax Collector: Alisha Ballard
Assistant Tax Collector: Linda Taylor
Assistant Tax Collector: Lynn Bolduc
Assistant Tax Collector: Barbara Vines
Assistant Tax Collector: Heidi Wynne
Assistant Tax Collector: Michael Hughes