Mayor O'Brien is an Augusta native and has previously been elected to the Augusta City Council five times (2001-2003, 2006-2014, and 2017-2019). He has had a devoted career in public service - spending more than 35 years working as an attorney for the Federal Government with the U.S. Small Business Administration assisting small businesses. 

The Mayor does not keep any regular office hours but can be reached via email.

“In the short-term, my first task is to do no harm,” said O'Brien. “Long-term, when I’m done, I want to be able to say Augusta is a better place than it is today. More vibrant, more compassionate, more diverse, more affordable, more culturally rich, more liveable, more desirable. In between now and then, I want to set a positive, respectful tone for our City Council meetings, both amongst ourselves and in our interactions with the public. I want Augusta to be known as a welcoming city for individuals and businesses alike.”

Per the City Charter, the Mayor is recognized as the official head of the City and presides at all meetings of the City Council. The Mayor provides leadership at all Council meetings, represents the City before other governmental agencies, appoints such committees as may be required to aid the Council in effectively governing the City, and coordinates Council activities to provide direction in the public interest. The Mayor appoints all Council committees and represents the City at numerous civic events and private/public occasions throughout the year. The Mayor may also establish special committees of the Council as necessary.