The City of Augusta Planning Board will meet on January 8, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at 16 Cony Street at the Augusta City Center Council Chambers for the following public hearings and workshop.
Agenda - Public Notice - Meeting Minutes

1. Election of Officers

2. Public Hearing. Conditional Use Review. Application of McDonalds USA, LLC for a parking reduction. Assessor’s Map 39 Lot 69. Located at 85 Bangor Street in the Local Business District (CB).
Application - Plan Set
Staff Review - DRAFT Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

3. Public Hearing. Text Amendments for Solar Energy Systems.
Staff Memo

4. Public Hearing. Text Amendment for Abutter Notification and Neighborhood Compatibility.
Staff Memo

(Workshop to be held in Conference Room A)

5. Workshop. Home Occupations.
Staff Memo