City of Augusta Receives $47,614 Dividend Check
August 20, 2024
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City of Augusta Receives $47,614 Dividend for Exemplary Risk Management Efforts
Augusta, ME – The City of Augusta is proud to announce that it has received a dividend check of $47,614 from the Maine Municipal Association (MMA). This dividend is a direct result of the City’s strong performance in risk management and loss prevention efforts.
The Maine Municipal Association manages three self-funded pools designed to support municipalities and quasi-public entities across Maine: the Workers Compensation Fund (established in 1978), the Property & Casualty Pool (formed in 1987), and the Unemployment Compensation Fund (formed in 1978). These programs are carefully overseen by governing boards comprised of elected and appointed municipal officials.
This year, more than 83% of participating municipalities earned dividends due to their effective risk management practices and favorable loss experiences. Statewide, the Workers Compensation Fund distributed nearly $725,000, while the Property & Casualty Pool paid out close to $600,000. Collectively, over $1.3 million has been returned directly to MMA members.
Since 1997, the MMA has consistently provided dividends, returning over $28 million to its participating members. These dividends not only reflect the commitment of municipalities like Augusta to maintaining safe and efficient operations but also support continued investment in safety and risk management initiatives.
For more information about MMA’s Risk Management Services, including online training and other resources, please visit their website at