Comprehensive Plan

On November 2, 2023, the City of Augusta City Council voted unanimously to approve the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. This milestone marks the culmination of efforts that began in 2018, involving extensive public engagement and adeptly navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan reflects the community's vision for Augusta's future, aiming to foster sustainable growth, enhance quality of life, and ensure the city's resilience for years to come.

Comprehensive Plan (PDF)

What is a comprehensive plan?

A comprehensive plan is a broad document outlining the future direction of a city over the coming 5-10 years. As such, it provides:

  • a context for local decision-makers when dealing with individual issues;
  • a legal framework for the community’s land-use regulations;
  • a source of direction for developers who are considering projects in the City;
  • a supporting rationale for grant applications by the City and nonprofit organizations
  • a source of guidance for state agencies in making investment decisions.

State law requires that municipalities with zoning and related land-use controls have a comprehensive plan. Such plans must meet the standards of the Local Growth Management Program Law (contained in Title 30-A of the Maine statutes). The State Planning Office is responsible for certifying that local plans are in compliance with the law. The Office also provides grants to communities to prepare plans.

The City of Augusta first developed a comprehensive plan in 1959. It was updated in 1965 and again in 1983. In 1988, the City approved a new Growth Management Plan that superseded the prior plans. The plan was updated in 2007. This 2023 Plan is the most recent updated version and will supplant these and other prior plans.

This Plan consists of three parts:

Volume 1 - is the Strategy. It reflects the priority recommendations chosen from among the hundreds of ideas generated at the numerous committee meetings and the public. The recommendations in this volume have been vetted, prioritized, and refined by the Comprehensive Plan Committee, and represent the most important changes Augusta must make for the future. The report has five sections:

(A) Vision provides a broad vision for Augusta’s future.

(B) Leading Ideas highlights the six areas around which the Plan focuses.

(C) Future Land Use describes and maps proposed future land uses.

(D) Implementation sets forth the implementation program.

(E) Aspirations and Dreams provide ideas that are not ripe for immediate action.

Volume 2 - is the Inventory. The Inventory describes the existing conditions and issues in the City, and a broad range of ideas and suggestions, with regard to the economy, housing, the environment, health, and public safety. It was completed with the help of over 200 citizens and the Comprehensive Planning Committee throughout 2019, with technical help from City staff.

Volume 3 - is the Appendix. This volume includes the Committee minutes and related documents. It highlights the public’s contributions to this plan.